Saint Joseph - Table of Contents
Volume LXI, No. 3
Serial No. 117

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On the Cover
Saint Joseph stands as the chaste spouse and guardian of the Virgin Mary, the foster-father of Jesus Christ, and protector of the Universal Church, symbolized by Saint Peter’s Basilica which the angel holds. The banner Ite ad Joseph encourages the faithful to “Go to Joseph” in all their necessities.
Special thanks to Father Lawrence Lew, OP, and Mrs. Kay Corso for use of their images!
Saint Joseph
Chosen by God as the head of the Holy Family, Saint Joseph humbly took on the great responsibility of providing and caring for Jesus and Mary. Throughout his life he had complete trust and confidence in God, and perfect abandonment to His providence. Countless miracles and graces have been given through the power and intercession of this lowly carpenter.
Effects of Home Influence
Rev. M. McDonnell addresses the importance of a happy home and interactive parents if the welfare of the child is to be secured, not only in this life but in the life to come.
The Immaculate Conception
Reverend M. Hamon shows that the mystery of the Immaculate Conception is a treasure of graces to which we ought to have recourse with full confidence in our temptations and trials. We will triumph over our trials, through her!
Living Members of the All the Just
If we Christians only made an effort, if only we loved our neighbor as ourselves for God’s sake, the face of the earth would be transformed.
The Will and Its Executor
A Spanish legend relates the great benefits which God bestows on those who have confidence in the intercession of Saint Joseph.
Conversion of the Pagan World
All men must seek eternal salvation through the Catholic Church. The eternal destiny of souls has been entrusted to the zeal and apostolic activity of the Church and will be saved in proportion to this zeal and activity in fulfilling her mission.
In Christ’s Presence
The Heart of Christ calls to you from the Tabernacle, “Listen to Me. Turn to Me, give Me your mind, your heart, your soul. Trust yourself to Me… it will be far easier for you to become a saint than not to become one.”
Saint Joseph’s Help
In two beautiful short stories, Very Rev. J. A. Keller, D.D. urges us to entrust all things you can to his protection, then will it be well with you in time and in eternity.
A word from the Superior.