Saint Benedict Magazine

Table of Contents

Volume LXV11, No.1
Serial No. 122
The Martin Family, Catholic Magazine


Other Articles

On the cover,

 is a collection of por­traits of the Martin family. Zélie, the mother, and Louis, the father, stand above their youngest daughter, Saint Thérèse. The four other daughters are pictured on either side. 
Credits for images used in this issue to: Archives of the Carmel of Lisieux www. and to Kay Corso of the Holy Card Collection Blog. 

Martin Family

The story of Zélie and Louis Martin, re­cently canonized together as a married couple, is the tender tale of two people in love who put God first in their relationship. Although they were affluent, they led a life replete with sufferings and loss of four of their children. Cancer and a form of dementia also affected the parents, but their Faith and the Faith of their children never wavered, as they accepted everything from the hands of God. Their he­roic forbearance in times of trial truly merited the title of “Saint” for each of them, as you will agree when you read their story.

Love of the Saints for the Passion 

It is impossible to become a saint without devotion to the passion and suffering of Our Lord on the Cross. This belief is supported by the writings of the saints and their examples. Embrace it as your devotion, too.  

Building without Christ

This article by Father Tihamer Toth was written in 1936, before World War II, was translated from the Hungarian into English one year after the war. It is prophetic in its description of what befalls a society, such as we have today, built without Christ.  

Fear of God

“Fear of God in no way runs counter to the love of God,” writes Tilman Pesch, SJ, in this short dis­sertation on how the fear of God actually contributes to the salvation of souls.  

The Fatima Call for the  Sanctification of the Family

In this article, Lucia, the last seer at Fatima, emphasizes the absolute importance of matrimony and good families as the stalwart of a nation. This message will guide you to a deeper understanding of the sacred mission of the family in God’s plan for salvation.  

Water at Work

The overlooked attributes of water are surpris­ingly a magnificent testimony to the salvific role it plays in the first and initiating sacrament of Baptism. When you discover its beauty, water will never be taken for granted again.  

P. S.

A word from the Superior.