Grieving with Jesus in the Crisis of the Catholic Church
Dear Friends,
It is evident to all today that the Catholic Church is in a great crisis. People are asking, “What should we do?” I believe that the average person can do something very positive and pleasing to God. You don’t have to be a high ranking member of the clergy with special duties and responsibilities. God loves simple souls of good will and Heaven rejoices over the conversion of one sinner.
I think you can compare the Crucifixion of Our Lord with the present crisis. Our Lord has a human body, reigning now in glory in Heaven. But He also has a Mystical Body which is the Church. The Church today is being betrayed by those within—turned over to the secular power and judged by worldly standards. Her deeds of the past are falsely portrayed, condemned, and apologized for.
The dogmas, teachings, traditions, and customs of the Church are cast aside for novelties. Anything, but not the past. “Give us Barabbas instead.”
At the Crucifixion, those who had witnessed the miracles of Our Lord turned on Him and shouted for His death. They denied His sovereignty, “We have no King but Caesar.”
His disciples lost Faith and felt let down, “We hoped that it was He that should have redeemed Israel.” His very apostles fled in fear, except for John who accompa- nied and stood next to the Sorrowful Virgin on Calvary.
Psalm 68 puts these words on the lips of Jesus crucified, “I looked for one that would grieve together with Me, but there was none, and for one that would comfort Me and I found none.”
At the cross was Mary, the mother of Jesus, Mary Magdalen, Mary of Cleophas, Salome, and John the “disciple whom Jesus loved.” We also find Nicodemus and Jo- seph of Arimethea who took Our Lord down from the cross and buried Him. These mourners were all there to grieve together with Jesus.
Psalm 68 is a mournful call to us living today. Is there anyone who will grieve for Our Lord as He suffers His Mystical Passion? How will we answer the call?
What can we do?
Above all, keep the authentic Faith, and be faithful to the One True Church. Do not go looking outside for answers. Our Lord said, “When the Son of Man comes, (at the end of the world) think you, He will find Faith?” He said there will be false christs and false prophets showing great signs and wonders that will deceive many, even the elect.
We must keep close to Our Lord, by always being in the state of grace. Attend- ing Mass occasionally during a weekday would certainly console Him. Staying at the side of Mary, His mother, with Rosary in hand will certainly obtain for us the graces and inspirations to “do what we should.”
In the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
Br. Thomas Augustine, M.I.C.M.