Saint Benedict Magazine

Saint Benedict - The Abbot

Table of Contents

Volume LXXIV, No. 1
Serial No. 130

Saint Benedict Front Page
Volume LXXIV, No. 1 Serial No. 130


Other Articles

On the cover,

On the front cover, Saint Benedict stands holding his crosier, a symbol of his authority as Shepherd of souls. Founder of many monasteries in Italy, Saint Benedict is considered the Father of Western Monasticism who helped preserve and restore western culture during the barbarian invasions.
Photo credits: Special thanks for images used in this issue to the Monks of Nurcia— Monastero di San Benedetto in Monte, and Father Lawrence Lew, OP.

Saint Benedict Father of Western Monasticism

With society crumbling around him, Saint Benedict was called by God to reform the moral and social depravity of his day. Challenging his followers to embrace discipline rather than licentiousness, silence rather than tumult, and mortification rather than self-gratification.
Read about his combats with the devil, the assassination attempts and his final establishment of the Abbey at Monte Cassino.

What Think You of Christ?

We think often enough of our own personal affairs…how much time do we give to our Saviour in the Blessed Sacrament? Would we be able to answer this question, first addressed by Our Lord to His Apostles, “What think you of Christ?”

The Assumption

Saint Francis de Sales tells how the honor given to the all-holy Mother of God increases the glory of her Divine Son.


His Mother’s Heart is Pierced

Father Perroy gives a beautiful reflection on the motherly tenderness of the Sorrowful Heart of Mary. We are called to imitate the wondrous fortitude of our Heavenly Mother. 

True Education

What does it mean to be truly educated? It means to have a clear understanding of the purpose of one’s existence, and of one’s obligations to God our Creator. A man may have a wealth of worldly knowledge, but that will not help him to save his soul!


This priceless treasure comes as a gift of God, and is necessary to attain eternal salvation. But its reception also depends on our response to God’s grace, and our remembering to ask for it!

Christ the Consoler

The Heart of Christ was always moved to tender pity for those who suffered. Just as He cured countless infirmities during His public life, so He, our Good Samaritan, can heal any sickness of our souls or of our bodies.

With Interest

Just as worldy endeavors are repaid in income with interest, so does God recompense our spiritual efforts with continous outpourings of grace.

Plainly Speaking

A word from the Superior.

On the cover,

On the front cover, Saint Benedict stands holding his crosier, a symbol of his authority as Shepherd of souls. Founder of many monasteries in Italy, Saint Benedict is considered the Father of Western Monasticism who helped preserve and restore western culture during the barbarian invasions.
Photo credits: Special thanks for images used in this issue to the Monks of Nurcia— Monastero di San Benedetto in Monte, and Father Lawrence Lew, OP.


Saint Benedict Father of Western Monasticism

With society crumbling around him, Saint Benedict was called by God to reform the moral and social depravity of his day. Challenging his followers to embrace discipline rather than licentiousness, silence rather than tumult, and mortification rather than self-gratification.
Read about his combats with the devil, the assassination attempts and his final establishment of the Abbey at Monte Cassino.

Other Articles

What Think You of Christ?

We think often enough of our own personal affairs…how much time do we give to our Saviour in the Blessed Sacrament? Would we be able to answer this question, first addressed by Our Lord to His Apostles, “What think you of Christ?”

The Assumption

Saint Francis de Sales tells how the honor given to the all-holy Mother of God increases the glory of her Divine Son.

True Education

What does it mean to be truly educated? It means to have a clear understanding of the purpose of one’s existence, and of one’s obligations to God our Creator. A man may have a wealth of worldly knowledge, but that will not help him to save his soul!

His Mother’s Heart is Pierced

Father Perroy gives a beautiful reflection on the motherly tenderness of the Sorrowful Heart of Mary. We are called to imitate the wondrous fortitude of our Heavenly Mother. True Education What does it mean to be truly educated? It means to have a clear understanding of the purpose of one’s existence, and of one’s obligations to God our Creator. A man may have a wealth of worldly knowledge, but that will not help him to save his soul!


This supernatural virtue intrinsically links those of Faith and Charity while giving us a foretaste of our heavenly reward if we trust in God and His promises.

Christ the Consoler

The Heart of Christ was always moved to tender pity for those who suffered. Just as He cured countless infirmities during His public life, so He, our Good Samaritan, can heal any sickness of our souls or of our bodies.

With Interest

Just as worldy endeavors are repaid in income with interest, so does God recompense our spiritual efforts with continous outpourings of grace.

Plainly Speaking

A word from the Superior